How to Change Amazon Listing Title: A Step-by-Step Guide

As an Amazon seller, you know that having a well-written and attention-grabbing title for your product is crucial for attracting potential buyers. That’s why you may feel like you’d need to make changes to your listing title in order to better reflect the product’s features or to include relevant keywords. 

In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to change the title of your Amazon listing and some tips for creating an effective and SEO-friendly title.

Why Change The Amazon Listing Title?

Your listing title is the first thing your customers see on your product detail page and Amazon search results. Because of that, your title can literally make or break your sales. 

Here are three “consequences” that you can expect if you have poor listing titles: 

  • Low customer satisfaction: If your titles don’t accurately reflect your products’ features, you’ll disappoint your customers and get fewer sales or more refund requests. 
  • Low click-through rate: If your target audience doesn’t find your titles attractive, they won’t be enticed to click on them. This is bad for both your bottom line and SEO. 
  • Poor search engine optimization (SEO): If your titles don’t contain relevant keywords, they’ll have low visibility and discoverability. 

If you feel like your current titles are causing you at least one of these problems, perhaps you should consider changing them. Besides, doing so is easy — at least most of the time. 

We’ll show you how to do so in just five easy steps below.

How To Change The Amazon Listing Title

As we’ve said, changing the product listing titles is usually easy. However, some Amazon sellers do complain that their changes often don’t become visible even after they’ve tried saving them several times. 

If that turns out to be your case as well, don’t worry. We’ll list some alternative methods you can try to change your titles in the rest of this article.

Still, we suggest you start with the five-step process we’ll describe here, as it’s the most straightforward out of all methods.

  1. Login to Amazon Seller Central

The first step in changing your Amazon listing title is to log in to your Amazon seller central account. This will allow you to access the dashboard and the tools you need to make changes to your product listings.

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  1. Manage Your Inventory

Once you’re logged in, click on the “Inventory” tab in the top menu. This will open a drop-down menu where you should select “Manage your inventory.”

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You’ll be taken to a page where you can view and manage all your products.

  1. Find The Product Listing You Want To Edit

You’ll see all your product listings in your inventory (both active and inactive). Scroll through it or use the search bar at the top to find the product listing you want to edit.  

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Once you’ve found the product, click on the “Edit” button next to it. This will open a page with all the product’s details, including the title.

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  1. Edit The Title 

You’ll now probably see a page with four tabs at the top: Vital Info, Variations, Offer, and Images. If you’ve enabled Advanced View (or More attributes), you may also see some additional tabs. 

Either way, you want to select the Vital Info tab in order to change your listing’s title: 

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In this tab, you should see a row titled “Product name” or “Item name:”

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Type in the new title for your product in the field in line with this row. Be sure to proofread it carefully.

  1. Save Your Changes 

Once you’ve entered the new title, click on the “Save and Finish” button to save your changes. The new title should appear on your product listing within 24 hours.

Alternative Ways To Change The Amazon Listing Title

Sometimes, Amazon doesn‘t quickly approve of significant edits — and changing the product title of an active listing would 100% fall into that category. 

If your titles haven’t been updated within 24 hours, we suggest you contact seller support which will help you make your changes:  

  1. Click on Help on your Amazon Seller Central page. 
  2. Click Get Support at the bottom of the page. 
  3. Select Or, browse for your issue in the menuProducts, Listing, or Inventory. 
  4. Select Fix a product page from the menu and input your ASIN number when the window appears. 
  5. Choose Fix detail page on the ASIN information page → choose the Title option from the drop-down menu. 
  6. Type in the New Requested Title.
  7. Add documentation (photos, manufacturer’s URL and contact info, relevant links, product documentation, etc.) and arguments (reasons why you’re making changes) for your request. 
  8. Submit your request and wait for a few days for an answer. If you don’t hear back from Amazon within 10 days, feel free to contact them again.  

Alternatively, Amazon may not let you edit your product title at all. In that case, you’ll see a red warning exclamation point next to “Vital Info” when you enter your new title: 

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If you’re seeing this sign, you’ll probably need to edit your product title via a flat file (i.e., by updating your Inventory File). This can happen when your product name (or product listing title) is already associated with a specific ASIN number, and it shouldn’t surprise you. 

Simply follow these steps to edit your product titles by updating your Inventory File: 

  1. Go to your product listing on Amazon to find your current product category. Scroll down to the Additional Information section. You’ll see all the categories and sub-categories your listing belongs to in line with the row titled “Best Sellers Rank.”
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  1. Open your Amazon seller central account > go to Inventory > Add Products via Upload. 
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  1. Go to the “Download an Inventory File” tab > scroll down to the section titled “Select the types of products you want to sell” > use the search tool to find your product category (e.g., “PC Game Headsets”).
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  1. Select the product type that best fits your listing > select the market you serve (e.g., > select Advanced mode > click Generate. This will automatically download an inventory file. 
  2. Open the Template sheet in the Inventory File. Add your product ID and product ID type > enter a new name under the “Product Name.” 
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  1. Find a column titled Update Delete > enter “PartialUpdate” below it. This tells Amazon that you’re making some updates to active listings but not full updates. In other words, you’re letting them know that blank rows aren’t really blank, just that they don’t need changing at this moment. 
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  1. Save your file and reupload it to Amazon. Go to Inventory > Add Products via Upload > Upload your inventory file > Upload file.  
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You can always monitor your upload status by going to the “Monitor upload status” tab. This will tell you whether your request has been reviewed and approved or if you need to make some additional changes to meet Amazon’s requirements. 

Tips For Creating An Effective Amazon Listing Title

Getting your Amazon listing title right can send in a ton of potential customers your way. On the other hand, getting it wrong can drive potential buyers away. 

That’s why you should invest some time into honing your title and making it the best it can be. You can start by following these rules and adding these essential elements to it.

#1 Hit The Right Title Length 

Amazon requires you to keep your product titles under 200 characters, including spaces. While this may seem too rigid at first, it actually helps you as a seller. 

Short, snappy titles attract customers. Long, cumbersome titles overwhelm them.

Make sure to always check your character count before settling on either one title. You can use free character counters, like WordCounter, for this purpose.

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#2 Add Relevant Keywords

The right keywords can help your listing become more prominent both on Amazon and among search engine results. However, note that you should avoid keyword stuffing. Use your primary keywords just once in your product title, and add more to the product description. 

In order to find relevant keywords that potential customers could use to find you, you’ll need to do keyword research

#3 Include Your Brand Name 

Including your brand name in the title can help establish credibility and trust with potential customers. It also helps to differentiate your product from similar ones offered by other sellers.

#4 Include Product Type

Specifying the product type in your title can help potential buyers understand what your product is and how it can be used. For example, if you’re selling a coffee mug, consider including that exact phrase (“Coffee Mug”) in the title.

#5 Be Descriptive 

Your product title should accurately and clearly describe the product and its features. This helps potential buyers understand what they are getting and makes it more likely that they will purchase your product.

#6 Use The Amazon Product Title Formula

One way to ensure that you include all of the necessary information in your product title is to follow the Amazon Product Title formula: Brand – Product Line – Product Name – Listing Features. This formula allows you to include your brand name, product type, and any relevant features or details in a clear and organized manner.

#7 Be Concise

Avoid using unnecessary words or filler, and focus on the most important information. A good rule of thumb you should follow is to fit as much meaning as you can into as few words as you can. 

#8 Capitalize Your Product’s Title Correctly

There are a few different ways to capitalize a product title, such as title case (where the first letter of each word is capitalized) or sentence case (where only the first word is capitalized). Choose the style that makes the most sense for your product and be consistent with it throughout your listing.


Why is my Amazon title not changing?

Your Amazon title is not changing for a few reasons. It’s possible that you’re not properly editing the title in your Amazon seller account or that there are certain rules or guidelines you need to follow when changing your product title. For example, Amazon has specific requirements for the length of product titles. It’s also possible that there is a technical issue with Amazon’s platform that is preventing the title from updating.

How important are product titles for SEO?

Product titles are very important for SEO. They help to determine how relevant and visible your product will be to users searching for products on Amazon or other search engines. 

Will You Try Changing Your Amazon Listing Titles?

Changing your Amazon listing titles can be intimidating at first, especially if you’ve never done it before. However, as we’ve shown here, the process is actually quite simple and straightforward. Follow the steps we’ve outlined, and you should easily update your product titles and improve the visibility and attractiveness of your listings.

While it may take a bit of practice to get the hang of it, changing your Amazon listing titles becomes second nature once you do it a few times. And the benefits of having well-written, SEO-friendly titles are well worth the effort. So don’t be afraid to give it a try and see the positive impact it can have on your sales and customer satisfaction.